The Best 6 games that are similar to GTA

 Learn more about 6 games that are similar to GTA in this post

If you're having a good time in Los Santos and Blaine County but you're bored, it's understandable that you're looking for more games like GTA. A lot of people have been living in this world since 2013, and while Rockstar keeps teasing us with GTA 6, we still have a long way to go. In the meantime, there are many other ways to satisfy your craving for GTA flavored alternatives, and we've put together a list of our favorites for you. There are eleven GTA-like games that will keep you entertained until we know where Grand Theft Auto will take us.

Red Dead Redemption 2


You can probably guess why this is here. After all, both the GTA series and the Red Dead Redemption are produced by the same studio. Red Dead Redemption 2 shares the same GTA values ​​of gameplay freedom that feel alive, a commitment to include even the smallest details, and morally ambiguous men and women do morally ambiguous things. Calling Red Dead Redemption 2 "Grand Theft Auto with horses" would be a little too easy, but if you're in some GTA action mode, it's worth a look.


Reason only 4


Just Cause 4 revels in new levels of anarchy, which it does by allowing you, the player, a ridiculous amount of flexibility. Check Wing Suit: Checked. If you like the physics of GTA 5, wait until you see what you can get here. The only thing missing in Just Cause 4 is the sophistication and mechanical polishing of the Rockstar flagship game storytelling, but it goes beyond its (literally) celestial perspective to choreograph mass destruction. Is.


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Watch Dogs 2


Looking for Grand Theft Auto 5 Search "LifeInvader" Remember? Watch Dogs 2 is almost identical, but on a much larger scale. Rockstar's Silicon Valley satire still packs a little more punch than Ubisoft, but Watch Dogs 2 is a laughing stock for anyone who has to spend hours despite Apple's keynote. And you have to use the pool balls attached to the bungee cable as a weapon - how good is that?


Yakuza 0


Grand Theft Auto has long been praised for the way it revitalizes cities, packing its virtual landscape with dozens of side diversions to enjoy in addition to the main game. Yakuza 0 accepts and adheres to this design principle. While Grand Theft Auto 5 includes tennis, yoga, and stock trading, Yakuza 0 includes karaoke, pool, arcades, wrestling, bowling, dance, gambling, and umm, with some sexually explicit content behind the video store. Look at As the last one confirms, not all side diversions are beautifully designed, but the sheer volume and range of options is amazing. Yakuza's scale isn't nearly as big as GTA's, but what it lacks in numbers is that it meets (odd) standards.


Sleeping dogs


Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition

Sleeping Dogs, which became a surprise smash in 2012, marries the likes of martial arts and B-movie stunt action with the style of Open World Crime. The ending sounds like a Grand Theft Auto game made as a classic Bruce Lee movie, and it's fantastic. Unfortunately, in the early stages of development, the sequel, which was allegedly a collaborative campaign, was canceled, making Sleeping Dogs a rare gem that made it more recognizable for the new ideas it introduced. Deserves Even though the game was re-released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2014, there's no reason to leave Sleeping Dogs on the shelf now (sorry).


Mafia 3


There is yet to be a Grand Theft Auto Game that does not involve any involvement with the Mafia, which naturally marks the 2K Mafia Series as a logical starting point for open world fans with a passion for organized crime. Leaves on Mafia 3's most recent release from Hanger 13 bears a striking resemblance to Rockstar, focusing on aspects to do and is a story centered on a combat veteran who recounts his past life. Trying to avoid the pursuing devils. Impressed with Godfather and Goodwill as much as this Grand Theft Auto, and it is so well written that you will forget that you are playing a video game and not watching a Scorsese movie.

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